You Deserve A Website & Brand

that has your vibe

So You Can Attract Your Tribe


Kiss generic design goodbye and say hello to an authentic & meaningful online presence.

Our work has been in

let me guess

You're Here because you need

Don't leave your online presence to chance

set a good foundation for success

You have a new business or service that needs to get online so you can start sharing it and making an impact.

Get the clarity you need with our FREE Website 1.0 Essential Guide. Learn the key elements to building a website that not only looks great but works to grow your business and connect with your ideal clients.

Make Your Website a powerful sales tool

get expert guidance

You have an existing website that needs a redesign or major overhaul.

Don’t settle for an outdated or underperforming website. Download our FREE Website 2.0: Glowup Guide to learn how a strategic redesign can transform your site into a powerful tool for client engagement and business growth!

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Hi I'm Lori

And I love hearing how my clients finally feel excited to share their services online.

Whether that’s a beautiful brand, gorgeous photography turning heads, or a website that stops the scroll, I’ve been a trusted partner to health and wellness coaches and creative businesses for over 20 years based all over the world.

You've been looking for a designer

that's got style & Systems

I know

Choosing a designer with a strong sense of style is essential for creating a visually captivating website, but it’s equally important to work with someone who has the experience as well as systems and frameworks in place to ensure great results and a delightful experience.

A beautiful design alone won’t drive your business forward—it needs to be backed by a strategic approach that aligns with your goals and delivers measurable outcomes.

That’s why we’ve ditched the longer timelines juggling multiple projects and offer a one-client per day/ per week policy. You can get design done in a day, or your website done in a week so you’re not losing the plot on where the project is at! You are guaranteed to be our sole focus until all the work is done.

A website is like a well-tuned engine: if you feed it high-quality fuel, it’ll run smoothly and get you where you want to go. But if you put in the wrong fuel, you’ll end up with a sputtering mess.

Garbage in equals garbage out.

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Without the right strategy, clear messaging, and thoughtful design, even the most visually appealing website won’t perform the way you need it to or convert viewers into clients.

We ensure your website is fueled with the right combination of strategy, creativity and execution to drive real results.

By partnering with us, you’re not only getting a website, you are getting a long-term technical partner in your corner that you can trust.

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If you’ve read our free guide and you feel a whole-body heck yes! we are ready to get started! 

Click below to schedule a free call, get a finalized quote and get booked on our busy calendar now! We’d love to make creative magic with you!

"Lori has designed three completely new websites in the last 10 years"

"Lori has designed my Website for the last ten years. She has designed three complete updates following the changing market and technology advances. She always advises me when it is time for a change. Her ideas are fantastic and we work extremely well together. My successful career is due to Lori and her knowledge of marketing and her insightful advice. Getting Lori to do my website was one of the best things I ever did. I highly recommend Lori"
mary testimonial profile
Mary, Artist
Dublin, Ireland

"Lori just knows what she's doing"

"Sad to say I chose the wrong company to do my website and it was a total and expensive do over. They didn't know design and it felt more like high pressure sales strategy with no empathy or understanding of my ideal client. Lori works in the wellness industry (she's a Reiki Master!) and knows my clients and the healthy, postive and compassionate vibe they are looking for without high pressure sales "tactics". Trust me, you want to get it right the first time!"
linda testimonial profile
Linda, Nutrtionist
Chicago, Illinois

"She is a complete design partner"

"Working with Lori has expanded me WAY WAY beyond what I could do on my own - she is a complete design partner, like working with an agency, without the cost."
helen testimonial profile
Helen, Author
Warkworth, New Zealand

"we have increased our online sales by 78%"

"Lori and Lola Media have significantly impacted on growth and sustainability across our online stores. Lori's insights and knowledge on SEO and broader digital marketing strategies are such a great asset to have on board and close at hand when you wish to take your marketing to the next phase. Lola Media have increased our online sales by 78% since taking on our website maintenance and marketing strategies and we've just scratched the surface of possibilities. Of course, I got her to design and manage our newest website venture as well..."
Chris, Interiors
Matakana, NZ